
Product Giveaway Instagram Post (1).png
Product Giveaway Instagram Post.png

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LIVE group meetings: I demo a look and you try it step by step from your very own home.

Better than a You-Tube video— I will be there to support so you’ll be more likely to say, “Nailed it!” with your new 'do.

How fun, right?!


One passion of mine is teaching. Education empowers us as individuals; once you have an experience to match what you learn, it's something that no one can take away from you.  Over the years, teaching my guests how to work their hair and makeup has brought not only empowerment to those whom I've supported, but joy to daily routine that can be otherwise mundane. It's so easy to get in a rut and style yourself one way repeatedly, but when you have choices it brings opportunity for self expression as well as newfound confidence. 

"You should create a YouTube channel!" people sometimes say to me.  Problem with that is, I'd long for the collaboration and interaction. Solution idea: in person or online video-chat workshops! Here's why: when you watch a YouTube video there is no hands on element; no one to help you if you aren't achieving the desired look. Kind of like that cooking show, Nailed It, where amateur bakers try to imitate the master chefs and it never quite turns out as great. Perhaps it looks just okay or sort of good, but not great. Plus if you like YouTube styling tutorials, there are a million already out there waiting for you to check them out.   

In the past I've helped organize "BYOB" (bring-your-own-blow dryer) workshops in-salon in both Michigan and NYC, where the clients brought their own products and tools and we'd help out when needed after demonstrating a specific style. It was fun for sure, but I aspire to try something different! Workshops are fun when there are a handful of people on them, don't you think?!

My vision is that I would plan a look, post a photo of the end goal and the recommended products/tools used and then set up LIVE date/time that you can reserve a spot to pop online from your very own home to join in and try for yourself while I demo. This would allow anyone who joins to be able to try it on themselves in real time and get help if you need it!

In the questionnaire pertaining to these potential webinars, some sections relate to my aspirations in the coaching world as well. Reason being, I've also held workshops which featured activities for personal development such as building a vision board. I'm thinking it could be a unique experience to try merging the inner and outer worlds somehow. Therefore, I'm seeking your feedback in order to craft content for those who are interested in such experiences! 

Thank you for reading and participating in the survey below. More to come!